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In parts of Europe,
dog sport can be compared to a religion...Even as a
child, Marko embraced it.
He started competing with rough collies at age 11, training in obedience and "searching", a highly competitive mix of Schutzhund style obedience and forest searching. By 16, he was the training director at his local club.
At the ripe age of 15, Marko, competing against over 200 dogs, achieved the highest obedience at the Finnish Working Dog Nationals with his collies.
///"Ransu", blue merle and "Ressu", tri color

Watch one of the world's most successful Malinois, Marko's SIMPPU, Mecberger Duunari
Throughout his decorated 15 year military career, working dogs remained a major part of both his career and personal life. His female, Inka was the 1999 Military Working Dog Champion and Karkko was another of Marko's SCHH 3 military working dogs.
At 19, Marko was the instructor for Finland's military police dogs.
///"Karkko, male long coat GSD "Inka", female GSD

The only individual to podium at all three major world IGP events, WUSV, FCI, and FMBB, Marko has no breed hang ups.
2009 FCI Vice World Champion with Simppu, 2011 Third place FMBB with Simppu and 2015 WUSV Vice World Champion with Aro.
Simppu also placed top ten three times at FMBB and FCI.
His wife at the time, Annakaisa Loiri and her boxer, Boxer Skybridge Eddie van Halen, won Boxer World Championship and was the three time Finnish Breed Champion.
/// "Simppu", Belgian Malinois and Aro, GSD

An entire life of training competition dogs...
Marko's many accomplishments include:
2021 AWMA National Champion
2022 AWDF National Champion
2015 WUSV Vice World Champion
2009 FCI Vice World Champion (all breeds)
2011 FMBB World Cup Vice Champion
2011 FMBB 3rd place in World Championships
2008 FCI 4th place in World Championships
2008 FMBB 6th place in World Championships
Best protection 100 in World Championships 2008
Best tracking 98 in World Championships 2011
Four times Finnish breed champion
Two times FCI qualification winner
1999 Finnish Military Working Dog Champion
Schutzhund Trainers Challenge Winner 2017 98-97-98 293, judge Helmut Raiser
-Three times 100 points in the Obedience phase in Championships with two different dogs.
- 2024 AWDF National Championship, BEST PROTECTION, Sarah Prelle
- 2023 FCI Word Championship, BEST PROTECTION, Sarah Prelle
-2022 AWMA Nationals 4th place, tied for best obedience, second best stadium. Sarah Prelle
- 2023 AWD National Cha
-2022 GSD Nationals, 4th place, Erin O'Shea
- 2021 AWMA Natoinals Vice Champion, Sarah Prelle
- ATIBOX World Champion, Finnish Breed Champion three times, Boxer Skybridge Eddie van Halen, Annakaisa Loiri
- WUSV World Champion, GSD Maises Bonifatius, Teemu Parviainen
- WUSV Vice World Champion, Masters Tournament Winner USA and Finnish Champion,
GSD Ratsumestarin Gonrad, Hannu Liljegren
- FMBB World Champion, Malinois Raty vom Further moor (1 year), Mia Skogster
- 6th Place FMBB World Championships & High OB 98 points, Finnish Malinois Champion, Tama on Alligaattori, Elise Luttinen
- Finnish Malinois and All Breeds Champion, Malinois Tammikallion Lucky Luke, Annakaisa Loiri
- Finnish Malinois and All Breeds Champion, Malinois Aabe, Elise Luttinen
- Finnish Malinois Champion, 13th place FCI World Ch, Malinois Mecberger Birger, Tuukka Nikola
- Finnish Beauceron Champion, Punasukan Voitto, Laura Salmela
- Norwegian Champion, Malinois Krutlapp van het Retrohoff, Zarif Hamxic
- Russian Champion, GSD Cartagena Baxi (97 in Obedience WUSV 2011), Sergey Staravoytov
- 25th WUSV, GSD Deira V. Norpdfeil, Irina Kovaleva
- Mexican Champion, GSD Jabina Orry, Gilberto Trevino Fuerte
- Mexican Regional Champion, GSD Satoris Esto, Gilberto Trevino Fuerte
- IFR Vice World Champion, German Rottweiler Champion, Rottweiler Bulli von Turnleberg, Melanie Krueger
- FMBB World Ch place and High in OB, Malinois Insane van de Berlxhoeve, Odd Joran Eide
- FMBB World 4th Place, Swedish Champion, Malinois Vandalens Kulan, Patrik Karlsson
- Swedish Ch Place, GSD Rixdivans Allan, Mikael Malmebo
- FCI World Ch Place, GSD Imzedrifts Zaga, Elina Malmebo
- Poland Champion, FCI World Place, Baubaro od Jorrinky, Patryk Krajewski
- Portugal Champion, GSD Fistro do Sorribas, Afonso Coelho
- ISPU World Championships 6th place, Riesenschauzer Sambuca vom Hatzbachtal, Larisa Tsvetkova
- IDC World Championships 3rd Place, Doberman Briska's Doris, Terhi Kauppinen
- WUSV Universal Sieger Vice Champion, GSD Hergules von Grunberg, Ken Trouton
- BC Regional Championships 2nd place, GSD Aro vom Kisser, Christine Kisser
- Quebec Regional Champion 2018, GSD Ludek von der Brandachschneise, Dawn Strickland
- Monterrey, Mexico Qualification Trial 2015, GSD Billy Haus Bley, Carlos Rojas (Jägermeister German shepherds) 100 points in protection
- WUSV 2018 15th place Gilberto Trevino Fuerte
- Canadian All Breed Champion 2019 Sarah Prelle and Inyo du la Forêt
- Canadian German Shepherd Nationals 2019 9. place Ken Leblanc and Ferguson
He has been a part of more than 20 dogs in World Championships and more than 30 dogs in National level (German Shepherds, Malinois, Boxers, Dobermans....)
as well as the helper for many dogs from different countries in WUSV, FMBB and FCI making him one of the most experienced and successful helpers/decoys in the world.
He has been the training helper for many dogs who have had excellent results in the World Championships including German Shepherds, Malinois and Boxers.
Marko coached and helped many handlers to achieve excellent results in National Championships and World Championships. His previous Team Bite Club won GSD Championships, Malinois Championships, FCI Qualifications and Finnish all breed Championships many times in Finland. Team Bite Club has also won two World Championship titles, 7 podium scores and many scores in the top of twenty in the last 10 years making it one of the most successful teams in the world.
Marko has helped many handlers from other countries achieve high level results in their own National competitions and in the World Championships.